Strawberry Beermosas
We are into prime strawberry season, which normally begins in April, so strawberry is the perfect way to go for these beermosas. You can get as creative as you want though and use whatever bherry that you want. Blueberries and raspberries are especially delicious, but strawberries add a sweetness that no other berry can match.

2 ounces strawberry puree
(see below)
• 4 ounces orange juice
• 10 ounces of beer (beer of choice) sliced strawberries (for garnish)
– In a cocktail shaker or mason jar (with lid), combine the strawberry puree, orange juice and beer. Shake until combined and foamy.
– Pour the strawberry beermosas into 2 champagne or cocktail glasses. – Garnish with fresh strawberry slices and enjoy immediately!
For the strawberry puree, combine 2 cups of fresh or frozen strawberries with 1/4 of water. Blend until smooth. Add more water where needed. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator where it will keep for about a week.