In your body you have two eyes, two ears, two arms and legs and you even have two kidneys. But, you have only one heart. There are no spares. That is why it is so important to care for your one and only heart, and keep it healthy. It is essential for life. You cannot survive without it.
The heart receives nourishment with oxygen that comes from the lungs and is fed via arteries. It takes what it needs and then sends the oxygen out to the rest of the body. If these arteries become narrowed or blocked the heart muscle will lose oxygen and can become weak and parts of it can die. That is what happens during a heart attack If this is not corrected, there will be permanent scarring and if the damage is great enough, you die. For many years, my focus as doctor has been to prevent heart disease from happening in the first place. There are many things you can do to protect your heart Let’s talk about what we know can increase your risk for disease and what you can do about it.

Keep Your Blood Pressure in Control
High blood pressure is a known risk factor for not only heart attack but stroke as well. It is important to have your blood pressure checked. A pressure over 140/90 is considered high. This reflects the pressure it takes to push the blood out to the body from the heart (the top number) and the pressure it takes to fill the heart (the bottom number).
High blood pressure can be related to obesity, stress, diet and heredity. It is essential to have it checked. If you are found to have high blood pressure there are various treatments and medications that can bring it down to normal. Treatment could be something as simple as beginning a regular exercise program or changing your diet It is important to note that salt increases the blood pressure You may not be adding salt to your food, but it is in soy sauce and many processed foods So such as packaged soups. beware and make adjustments as needed.
Maintain Normal Cholesterol
High cholesterol is another risk factor for heart disease. This tends to run in families but is also seen when people consume a high fat diet. There are several types of cholesterol. There is the LDL or bad cholesterol, HDL or good cholesterol; triglycerides (fats that appear after eating) and they all contribute to the total cholesterol, which should be around 200 mg/dl. It is most desirable to keep your LDL cholesterol below 100 mg/dl and the HDL greater than 50 mg/dl and the triglycerides under 150 mg/dl. You can do this with a diet rich in vegetables. fruits, lean protein and whole grains.
A sedentary lifestyle increases the risk for developing heart disease. That is why it is so important to exercise. It helps to keep the arteries open and clear. It lowers blood pressure and cholesterol improves strength and helps you to maintain a healthy weight Exercise is also important for stress relief and generally feeling good overall. The best way to maintain an exercise program is to find something you like to do. Walking, cycling, and dancing are great forms of exercise.
Stress can hurt your heart. There are studies that have shown women who are stressed and angry are at greater risk for heart disease. Stress can weigh on every part of your body. That is why it is so important to do things to relieve it. Taking a walk laughing, reading, and meditating are activities that can help to keep you stress free.
Watch Your Weight
Being overweight or obese can do a number on your body. It increases the risk for type 2 diabetes, another major risk factor for heart disease. It increases blood pressure and high cholesterol as well as increasing the risk for heart attack. If you are overweight, it is very important to see your doctor and be checked for diabetes. Your doctor can give you a treatment plan that will reduce your blood sugar and help you to lose weight.
Quit Smoking or Never Start
Smoking is toxic to the heart and the rest of the body. It causes plaque to form and narrowing of the arteries, it hurts the lungs, which supply oxygen to the heart, and it damages every organ in the body. It increases blood pressure and cholesterol. It causes osteoporosis (bone loss) and serious facial wrinkling. Second hand smoke is also damaging to the body and especially to the heart and blood vessels. If you smoke, it is time to quit and if you are around smoke, it is time to ask that person to step far, far away when they smoke.
Welcome Love into Your Life and Maintain a Positive Attitude
Love is a very important part of heart health. Being with loved ones lowers blood pressure, and studies have found it can prolong our lives. Just writing love letters can lower your cholesterol, and hugs can reduce stress and lower blood pressure by increasing the amount of oxytocin we produce. Oxytocin is a feel good hormone that helps us connect with others. A positive attitude is also correlated with heart health.
Stay Healthy
This Valentine’s day take stock of your own heart. Appreciate it and find ways for you to care for it and keep it healthy. Make sure you are giving it plenty of healthy food, exercise, good thoughts and nourishment with love and fun in your life. Finally, take it to the doctor so you can make sure you are doing everything you need to do to keep it healthy and safe!