Skin renews itself in a 30-day cycle. To ensure you look your optimal best, it’s a good idea to help skin renewal along with some DIY exfoliating action. With dead cells out of the way, skin not only looks better, beauty products are better absorbed by the skin and therefore works more effectively. Because skin on different parts of the body is varies in terms of sensitivity and texture, it’s essential to design different exfoliating regimes that are best suited for each body part.
Sensitive skin requires a gentle treatment such as using soft beads to loosen dead skin. Off the counter facial scrubs is a fuss-free, not to mention, affordable solution. For a more thorough solution, speak to a dermatologist about microdermabrasion or chemical peels. The results are often more visible but such treatments often come tagged with possible downtime and post-treatment care. Like the face, the skin around the chest and shoulders tend to be thin and sensitive. It is recommended that sufferers of acne should arrest the (acne) issue before attempting to exfoliate which may cause acne to flare up.

Scrub body in the shower at least twice a week to ensure skin stays soft to the touch, working in particular on the elbows and knees when dead skin has a tendency to buildup. If your skin is sensitive, opt for a body wash that has a salicylic or glycolic formula that sloughs dry skin. Some body lotions are formulated with exfoliants that moisturize while smoothing out rough spots.
The heels bear the brunt of our daily activity causing calluses to develop. Exposing feet to the environment in sandals further causes chaos to the skin on the feet. Soak feet in soothing foot soaks to loosen dead skin before whipping out foot scrubs and brushes to remove the buildup of dead skin on the feet. Use a foot file or pumice stone to tackle rough spots. Towel dry feet and finish off with a nourishing emollient.