1. Love Handles Levitation and Disengration
Target arms, chest, obliques, abs, and bottom
• Start by lying on your right side with legs stacked on top of each other and knees bent.
• Place your left palm on the board in front of chest, right hand on your left shoulder.
• Push left hand into the board and raise your torso as high as you can.
• Lower back down and repeat.

2. Mermaid lift
Targets shoulders, arms, and chest
• Start with full body in the water next to the board.
• Place hands shoulder-width apart near the middle of the board.
• Push down until arms are locked straight.
• Your body should lift out of the water holding your weight.
• Slowly lower.
• Repeat.
3. Turbo twist
Targets shoulders, arms, back, abs, and obliques
• Stand with feet wide perpendicular to board.
• Place paddle in front of you with left hand gripping the top and your right hand slightly below
• Let paddle slightly sit in the water but not completely submerged.
• Rotate your torso at a rapid speed from either side while engaging core.
4. Abliscious
Targets abs, obliques, and back
• Start by lying face upwards on board with leg straight.
• Hold paddle and keep hands toward your thigh.
• Tighten abs like a crunch.
• Keep knees bent and rotate torso and paddle to right.
• Repeat on opposite side.
5. You’re so HIP
Targets abs and obliques
• Start by lying down on your back with leg raised straight up towards the sky.
• Firmly grasp the board with your hands near your head.
• Lift hips up while rotating right hip towards left shoulder.
• Lower hips back down parallel to board.
• Lift and twist hips perpendicular to board, the time left hip to right shoulder.
6. Power pres
Targets shoulders, back, and arms
• Start by standing on the board with feet hip-width apart.
• Hold the paddle in hand wider than shoulder-width apart (obtuse angle) and palm facing inwards.
• Lift paddle overhead.
• Once arms outstretched above head, try to pull apart paddle to opposite sides with your hands (like tug-a-war against yourself).
• Lower.
• Repeat.
7. Bum on blast
Targets your bottom, legs, abs, and shoulders
• First start in deep squat.
• Place feet hip-width apart and elbows touching knees.
• Hot the paddle at your chest with palms facing out.
• Lift up on tippy toes and lift paddle in front of you.
• Repeat.